Integrate with external PyPi

Integrate with external PyPi

Instructions for adding a pip.conf file to a ModelOp Runtime:

First, create your pip.conf file and place it in a subdirectory of the moc helm chart.


Due to a limitation of helm, the pip.conf file must be placed somewhere underneath the moc/ directory.

Next, in your helm override file, create a configmap based on the contents of the moc/pipconf/ directory.

moc: configMaps: pip-config: pipconf/*

This creates a configmap called pip-config that contains the pip.conf file from the moc/pipconf/ directory.

Finally, mount the configmap into your runtime, and set the PIP_CONFIG_FILE env variable.

moc: runtimes: "1": env: PIP_CONFIG_FILE: /modelop/pip/conf/pip.conf configMaps: pip-config: mountPath: /modelop/pip/conf

The pip.conf file, originally in moc/pipconf/pip.conf, has now been mounted inside the runtime at /modelop/pip/conf/pip.conf, and is pointed to by the PIP_CONFIG_FILE env variable.