Governance Score Administration

Governance Score Administration

This article describes how ModelOp Center allows users to configure how Governance Scores are applied to Use Cases, Implementations, and Snapshots.

Table of Contents



Executives and governance officers within an enterprise need a consistent way to ensure that all AI/ML use cases and models are adhering to the governance policy, regardless of the technology used, model architecture, or environment in which it runs. The ModelOp Center “Governance Score” provides this consistent “apples to apples” comparison of adherence to the Governance policy across all internally developed models, vendor models, embedded AI, etc.

Governance Score Overview

The ModelOp Governance Score is a standardized metric to measure adherence to AI governance policies for all AI initiatives, regardless of whether an organization is using generative AI, in-house, third-party vendor, or embedded AI systems. The AI Governance Score works across all use cases, implementations, and snapshots (version of a given implementation), incorporates the following elements:

  • Information/Metadata: collection of all required information and metadata related to the AI use case or implementation

  • Assets: source code, binary artifacts, configurations, execution details, etc.

  • Evidence: continuous collection of evidence (tests, job completion, documentation, reports, etc.)

  • Other Controls: attestations, approvals, change controls, process controls, data controls

Governance Score Calculation Details

The Governance Score is automatically calculated for a given use case, implementation(s), and relevant snapshot(s) based on the criteria defined in the Governance Score Administration page.

  • ModelOp Center calculates an individual governance score for each implementation, snapshot, and the use case, respectively

  • For Production models, the governance score for use case, implementation, and snapshot are rolled into an aggregate governance score. This is based on a straight linear completion of the requisite controls in the Governance Score

  • To see the details of which items in the Governance Score passed and which ones remain (“failed”), click on the “see all” link or click on the specific “passed” or “failed” portion of the donut chart.

Governance Completion Score Configuration

To configure the Model Governance Score:

  1. Click on the “Scores Configuration” item in the main menu

  2. By Default, ModelOp Center ships with four templates of Governance Scores:

    1. Use Cases

    2. Sagemaker models

    3. Vendor models

    4. Default models (all else)

  3. Click on an existing Score template OR click the “Add Type” button on the left hand side

  4. Within the resulting Scoring Criteria UI, a user may configure:

    1. Basic information: typically metadata such as “Model Methodology” is required

    2. Governance Form Complete: identifies if all REQUIRED fields in a given custom form are factored into the governance score

    3. Approvals: the specific approvals that are required

      1. Click “Add Approval”

      2. Note that the Approval Type is required in order to properly identify whether it is a Security approval vs. Validation approval, etc.

    4. Snapshots (Implementations only)

      1. Assets: the required assets per the governance policy. These are defined based on the Asset Role type

      2. Documentation: the required documentation per the governance policy. These are defined based on the Documentation Role type

      3. Snapshot Approvals: the specific approvals that are required for each Snapshot




Attempting to perform this task without proper assistance may lead to unintended consequences or system issues. We strongly recommend seeking help from your ModelOp Center field engineer to ensure the process is completed correctly and safely.

Some core components of the scoring infrastructure are defined as JSON resources in a configurable location. Such resources can be extended or overridden entirely in order to support more advanced customizations. What follows is a high level overview of the scoring process to contextualize the purpose of these resources and how they are used.

Technical Overview of the Scoring Process

  • Input: a model implementation or use case to be scored

    • The scoring API requires the model ID to be provided via the storedModelId or deployableModelId query parameter.

  • Rule selection: a set of rules are prepared based on some selection criteria

    • Root type: rule definitions declare compatibility via the rootType field. This must be either "rootType": "STORED_MODEL" for Stored Model rules, or "rootType": "DEPLOYABLE_MODEL" for Deployable Model rules.

      • Rule definitions are loaded from JSON resources at startup. Default rule definitions can be overridden or extended by configuring alternative resource locations. (more on this below)

    • Model Type: rules can be marked for inclusion or exclusion based on the input model's modelType

      • This is configured via the Governance Completion Score admin interface. Model type inclusion criteria are persisted in the database.

    • Application Form: rules can be dynamically generated from an application form. The application form can be specified on a per-model basis by assigning the application form ID to a model's custom metadata field mocApplicationFormId.

  • Output: a pass/fail outcome for each selected rule on the given model

    • Instances of the selected rules are mapped to projection expressions and evaluated simultaneously as a MongoDB aggregation.

The percentage of rules satisfied by a model determines its Governance Completion Score. A model that scores 100% is fully compliant with all applicable governance policies. A non-perfect score includes details about each evaluated rule, their pass/fail statuses, and actionable failure reasons to provide guidance on how to achieve 100%.

Customizable Resources

Rule definitions

Rule definitions are specified in JSON files that are loaded at startup. The default rule set can be overridden or extended by specifying resource URLs that resolve to JSON files containing rule definitions.

These can be any kind of Resource URL supported by Spring Framework, including:

  • classpath URLs

    • classpath:rules/governance/rules.json, classpath*:rules/governance/*.json

  • file system URLs

    • file:///home/me/rules/governance.json


    • http://rules.example/governance.json

The default bundled rule definitions are loaded from the classpath URL classpath*:/rules/governance/*.json. If you wish to extend the bundled defaults without overriding them entirely, include classpath*:/rules/governance/*.json in the list of configured rule definition resources.

An example configuration that retains the default rules and includes an additional rule definition file:

modelop: governance: rule-definitions: locations: - "classpath*:/rules/governance/*.json" # retain default rule definitions - "file:///home/me/custom-rules.json" # include additional rule definitions

Optional resources

Rule inclusion criteria are persisted as Model Assessment records and managed via the Governance Completion Score interface.
Default entries can be persisted from JSON at startup by specifying their locations:

modelop: governance: # Default model assessments loaded on start-up model-assessments: locations: - "classpath*:/governance/assessments/*.json" - "file:///home/me/assessments/my-assessments.json"

Dynamic rules are generated from persisted Application Form records managed via the Application Form interface.
Default entries can be persisted from JSON at startup by specifying their locations:

modelop: governance: # Default application forms loaded on start-up application-forms: locations: - "classpath*:/application-forms/*.json" - "file:///home/me/application-forms/my-app-forms.json"