Monitor Output Structure

Monitor Output Structure

This article provides an overview of the output structure for a Monitor/Test within ModelOp Center.

Table of Contents

Custom Monitor Output - Charts, Graphs, Tables

To have the results of your custom monitor displayed as a Bar Graph, Line Chart, or Table, the output of your metrics function should leverage the following format:

"time_line_graph": { "title" : "Example Line Graph - Timeseries Data", "x_axis_label": "X Axis", "y_axis_label": "Y Axis", "data": { "data1": [["2023-02-27T20:10:20",100], ["2023-03-01T20:10:20",200], ["2023-03-03T20:10:20", 300]], "data2": [["2023-02-28T20:10:20", 350], ["2023-03-02T20:10:20", 250], ["2023-03-04T20:10:20", 150]] } }, "generic_line_graph": { "title" : "Example Line Graph - XY Data", "x_axis_label": "X Axis", "y_axis_label": "Y Axis", "data": { "data1": [[1,100], [3,200], [5, 300]], "data2": [[2, 350], [4, 250], [6, 150]] } }, "decimal_line_graph": { "title" : "Example Line Graph - Decimal Data", "x_axis_label": "X Axis", "y_axis_label": "Y Axis", "data": { "data1": [[1,1.23], [3,2.456], [5, 3.1415]], "data2": [[2, 4.75], [4, 2.987], [6, 1.375]] } }, "generic_bar_graph": { "title" : "Example Bar Chart", "x_axis_label": "X Axis", "y_axis_label": "Y Axis", "rotated": false, "data" : { "data1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "data2": [4, 3, 2, 1] }, "categories": ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4"] }, "horizontal_bar_graph": { "title" : "Example Bar Chart", "x_axis_label": "X Axis", "y_axis_label": "Y Axis", "rotated": true, "data" : { "data1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "data2": [4, 3, 2, 1] }, "categories": ["cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4"] }, "generic_table": [ {"data1" : 1, "data2" : 2, "data3" : 3}, {"data1" : 2, "data2" : 3, "data3": 4}, {"data1" : 3, "data2" : 4, "data3" : 5} ], "generic_scatter_plot": { "title": "Example Scatter Plot", "x_axis_label": "X Axis", "y_axis_label": "Y Axis", "type": "scatter", "data": { "data1": [[1,100], [3, 200], [5, 300], [2,101], [1,105], [1, 320], [2,90], [2,85], [6, 300]], "data2": [[2, 350], [4, 250],[6, 150],[1,101], [1,125], [1, 300], [4, 90], [4, 85], [4, 300]] } }, "generic_pie_chart": { "title": "Example Pie Chart", "type": "pie", "data": { "data1": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "data2": [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ], "data3": [ 2, 1 ], "data4": [ 1 ] } }, "generic_donut_chart": { "title": "Example Donut Chart", "type": "donut", "data": { "data1": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "data2": [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ], "data3": [ 2, 1 ], "data4": [ 1 ] } }

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