Upgrading MOC using helm

Upgrading MOC using helm

Before starting on upgrading MOC, make sure you have a thorough understanding of how helm works by reading through our Helm Primer document.

Next, you’ll want to locate your ‘helm override file’. This is the yaml file that contains all the configuration for your particular installation of MOC. You’ll want to update the moc.version field with the new version:

moc: version: 1.2.3

Additionally, if your images are being pulled from an internal repository, or have been renamed locally, you’ll have to manually update that configuration in your override file:

moc: [some-service]: image: my-internal-registry/my-moc-repo/some-service:tag


When upgrading to a new version of MOC, it is always best to acquire the latest helm chart.

If you’re acquiring a new version of the chart:

  1. it’s best to copy down the new version into a new directory somewhere.

  2. if you’re still serving up config files via a configmap out of the moc/sccs/ directory, make sure to copy/merge the previous contents into the new moc/sccs/ directory. If your config files are in a git repo somewhere, it’s also wise to copy/merge the new config into the git repo.

  3. if you’re using helm to create any additional configmaps, those files are almost certainly somewhere in some other moc/ subdirectories. Make sure to copy those over to the new moc/ subdirectory after unzipping the new chart.

Once everything is in place, run a helm upgrade command, aimed at A) the updated override file, and B) the new version of the chart (if you updated it).