(v1) Integrate with JIRA
ModelOp Center seamlessly integrates with existing ticketing systems, such as JIRA, to allow enterprises to leverage existing IT investments.
Table of Contents
ModelOp Center provides the ability for the Model Life Cycle to create tickets within the existing Jira ticket system. The Model Life Cycle can create tickets corresponding to the manual steps and tasks required. This includes items such as approvals, reviews, tasks, and other activities in the Model’s Life Cycle. This guide details the steps to enable the integration.
Jira Integration Setup
This guide assumes moc-builder
has been installed. Please request download instructions for moc-builder
here. Before configuring moc-builder
, the Jira instance will need a service account created and configured to use an API token. To create an API Token, follow the documentation at https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html. This example assumes that the service account uses the email "jira@modelop.com".
moc-builder Jira Configuration
The integration requires the ModelOp Center Gateway url and the url of the Jira instance to be integrated.
First, determine the external-ip of the Gateway. Set the Kubernetes context to the cluster and namespace that has ModelOp Center deployed. Run the following command:
kubectl get svc
The command will return an output like this:
[johncarter@Johns-MacBook-Pro moc-builder (John@modelop-eks-test.us-east-2.eksctl.io:mocaasin)]$ kb get svc
engine-1 ClusterIP <none> 8003/TCP 23h
engine-2 ClusterIP <none> 8003/TCP 23h
engine-test ClusterIP <none> 8003/TCP 23h
gateway LoadBalancer foo1.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 8090:31166/TCP 23h
jupyter ClusterIP <none> 8888/TCP 23h
kafka ClusterIP <none> 9092/TCP 23h
minio ClusterIP <none> 9000/TCP 23h
mlc-manager LoadBalancer foo3.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 8085:31741/TCP 23h
model-manager ClusterIP <none> 8086/TCP,8088/TCP 23h
mongodb ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 23h
postgres ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 23h
registry ClusterIP <none> 8761/TCP 23h
reporting-service ClusterIP <none> 8091/TCP 23h
The important value is the external-ip and port corresponding to the ModelOp Center Gateway. In this example, it’s foo1.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com:8090.
NOTE: If the environemnt using ingresses instead of load balancers, run kubectl get ing
and obtain the address corresponding to the ingress that points to gateway. Do not append the port number to the end of the address. That is only required if you are using the external IP from a service of type LoadBalancer.
Next, open the config.json
file within moc-builder
’s config directory and navigate to the mlc-manager
section. It will contain the following:
"mlc-manager": {
"env": {
"modelop.gateway-url": "http://gateway:8090",
"mlc.jira-task-monitor.url": "http://jira:8086",
Change the value of the modelop.gateway-url
env variable to be the location of gateway from above and change the value of the mlc.jira-task-monitor.url
to be the location of the Jira instance. In this example, the Jira instance is located at "https://foo.atlassian.net".
Here is the example config.json
"mlc-manager": {
"env": {
"modelop.gateway-url": "http://foo1.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com:8090",
"mlc.jira-task-monitor.url": "https://foo.atlassian.net",
Go ahead and save the config file and open up the file located in moc-builder
at data/secrets.json
. Here is how the file looks:
"JIRA_USERNAME": "demo",
"JIRA_PASSWORD": "modelop",
value to be the email associated with the service account and the JIRA_PASSWORD
to be the API token that was generated by Atlassian in the prerequisites step.
Here is the example:
"JIRA_USERNAME": "jira@modelop.com",
"JIRA_PASSWORD": "API token goes here",
Next, create a new project in the Jira instance and note the key. Now update the key within the BPMN to be uploaded in ModelOp Center. For example, update the NotficationToITSM.bpmn
BPMN within moc-builder
to use the Project Key within the delegate:
notificationAssignment.setJiraProjectKey("YOUR PROJECT KEY");
Next, run the moc-builder
compose and deploy commands to bring up the instance of ModelOp Center integrated with Jira.
Note: by default ModelOp Center's BPMN files only require the use of a "Task" issue type, so please confirm the Jira project has the Issue Type available.
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