Example Workflows - Use Case Registration

Example Workflows - Use Case Registration

This article describes how ModelOp Center’s MLC’s can be used to orchestrate and automate the Use Case Registration Process process.

Table of Contents


The ModelOp Life Cycle Manager (MLC Manager) orchestrates and automates the the various steps involved in registering a use case model.


The following are the prerequisites for leveraging this Use Case Registration MLC:

  • The Jira project(s) must be configured with Done and Rejected statuses in the workflow

Process Overview

Orchestrates and governs Use Case registration, including triggering a Use Case initial risk review, prompting for model owners to add their model implementations, and then loops through the associated implementation(s) to start the appropriate Governance workflow depending on Model Implementation Type (e.g. Open Source model, Sagemaker model, LLM model or Vendor model).



  1. Scheduler - the process is triggered by a signal (com.modelop.mlc.definitions.Signals_model_created).

  2. Business Approval Request- the process creates a Jira ticket for Business Approval Request.

  3. Model Initial Risk Review - the process creates a Jira ticket to assign a risk level to the registered use case.

  4. Add Model Implementation - A Jira ticket is created to add an implementation of a use case.

  5. Trigger Implementation Flow - Implementation MRM flow is then triggered based on implementation model type or methodology.

  6. Change Implementation Trigger- If another implementation is added on a use case and marked as current it trigger the use case flow and triggers the appropriate implementation mlc.

  7. Error handling - if any step fails in the MLC

Next Article: Example Workflows - Default Model Implementations >


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