ModelOp Center Installation

ModelOp Center Installation

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Welcome to the guides intended to assist in the installation of ModelOp Center! There are some considerations that should be made prior to beginning, specific things to organize in order for the installation to go as smoothly as possible. Amongst the things that need to be prepared, here are some key points that should be considered:

Technical credentials and configurations required prior to beginning:

  • What Git repository will be used? Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps etc.

  • Will an external MongoDB (for the Model Manager) and PostgreSQL/MSSQL (for the MLC-Manager) will be used? Mongo URI and PostgreSQL/MSSQL connection strings needed. Standalone versions of these that are PVC-backed are provided as well.

  • Will an external S3-compatible bucket storage will be used? AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage? MinIO is provided as a standalone option in the case where none of the cloud options are available.

  • Kubernetes: Openshift? Azure Kubernetes Services, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, Google Kubernetes Engine? An SME aligned to configure/install/upgrade via Helm? 

  • Image Registry: Intake process for importing images and making them available? Choice of registry: Artifactory, GAR, ECR, Quay, ACR, Dockerhub etc.

  • Particularities about security? Stored credentials, vaults, Kerberos, secrets management, secrets pipelines, authentication methods needed. Details needed for all external technologies utilized to bring secrets into Kubernetes.

  • Integrations: Ticketing (Jira, ServiceNow), Pipelines (Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Azure DevOps), Data Sources required for monitoring and models. 

  • Networking and connectivity in place between cluster and all required technologies. Egresses, Ingresses must be defined as necessary.

ModelOp Center is a micro-services architected application, comprised of a number of running containers, each of which has a part to play in delivering the end-user experience. As such, ModelOp Center is deployed to Kubernetes, given the facilities provided to orchestrate and deploy containers into pods, and create services, configmaps, ingress/egresses, secrets, persistent volumes and claims, amongst other configuration.

With these details solidified, and with the appropriate stakeholders and subject matter experts related to the above technologies aligned, the installation can proceed as planned.

Proceed here once these details have been solidified: Installing ModelOp Center Using Helm


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