(v1) Jupyter plugin installation and configuration instructions

(v1) Jupyter plugin installation and configuration instructions

ModelOp Center contains a package with the Jupyter plugin installation zip file. Please contact your ModelOp representative to get the latest version.


These installation instructions assume the following:

  • Jupyter notebook is already installed.

  • Maven is already installed.

  • You have access to ModelOp’s jupyter-plugin repository.

git clone https://github.com/modelop/jupyter-plugin.git cd jupyter-plugin mvn clean install jupyter nbextension install target/jupyter-plugin-2.1-SNAPSHOT.zip jupyter nbextension enable modelop-plugin/modelop-plugin

Next, start the Jupyter notebook instance (please note the configuration section before running):

jupyter notebook


Before being able to use the plugin in the Jupyter instance, please make sure Jupyter knows where ModelOp Center can be reached by providing the base URL in either of the following ways.

  1. Setting up the MOC_INSTANCE_URL environment variable with the base URL, e.g.: http://modelop:8090 before running the jupyter notebook. Please note for Jupyterhub installations that the environment variables aren’t automatically passed to the notebook, but rather need to be whitelisted. See here for details on how to achieve this.

  2. Using the nbextensions configurator found in contrib nbextensions package. Once available this will provide an additional tab “Nbextensions” where you will be able to:

    1. Enable/Disable the plugin altogether.

    2. Override the environment variable with an arbitrary URL provided at the configurator itself.

    3. Specify the environment variable name if MOC_INSTANCE_URL is not desired to hold the base URL


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