(v1) V2.2 Release Notes

(v1) V2.2 Release Notes

What’s New:


  • DevOps Integration (Jenkins): integration with Jenkins to initiate a Jenkins job and obtain status and job information, including in the context of a model’s life cycle (MLC)

  • Team-Specific configuration: ability to define team-specific configurations (e.g. a team’s specific JIRA instance) to be used throughout a model’s life cycle (MLC)



  • Tableau: integration of Tableau to enable creation of custom visualizations using core ModelOps and other enterprise data for reporting

  • Associated Models: ability to associate related models (e.g. drift models or concept drift models) for on-going monitoring or pre/post-processing

  • ModelOp Runtime: enhancing support for executing training jobs natively within the ModelOp runtime



  • Enterprise Ticketing: ability for ModelOp Center to create/manage Change Requests and Incidents within ServiceNow as part of the model life cycle and/or for on-going model-centric operations

  • Security: support for entity-level privilege control, allowing specific privileges (CRUD) to be assigned at a granular entity level for specific roles.

  • Model Code Scanning: support for integration with Veracode for model code scanning, including verification of passing scans within a Model Lifecycle



  • MLC-Custom Metadata: simplified the approach to modify custom metadata for a Model (as part of an MLC/other) by implementing standard JSON PATCH support

  • Spring-Boot & Camunda updates: update of ModelOp Center to leverage Camunda 13, Spring Boot 2.3.4, and Spring Cloud to Hoxton.SR8