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Example Steps to Use Parameters for Monitoring

  1. Create a RestAsset (or SQLAsset) and now the Query Params or Form Data values can have some From the assets tab of a Business Model wizard, click to add an asset and choose the appropriate asset (REST, SQL, etc.)

  2. Within the resulting “add asset” configuration, the user can add placeholder logic (using standard ${FOO} notation) to the Query Params or Form Data values

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  3. Next the user will create a monitor using that asset, and just select the existing RestAsset newly created REST (or SQL) Asset as input for the job

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  4. In the Schedule step of the Wizard, we the user will add signal variables that match the placeholder name used in the Asset params (e.g. FOO above). Note that you can pass the optional variable ASSET_REPALCEREPLACE_FORMAT to specify a date format for the replacement, otherwise default is yyyy-MM-dd).

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  5. NOTE: In the RunAssociatedModelMetrics.bpmn (both Jira and Service Now), there is a script to replace the placeholders of all the Assets that reference a variable using the notation above ${FOO}. The By default, the value of such variables will be one of the following pre-loaded instance variables:variables as listed below. However, these can be customized within the bpmn if the user would like to add other variables.


    2. ${QUARTER_END}

    3. ${MONTH_START}

    4. ${MONTH_END}

    5. ${WEEK_START}

    6. ${WEEK_END}

    7. ${TODAY} or alias ${CURRENT_DAY}

    Finally the engine will query
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  6. Make any final updates/changes to the monitor and click to save the monitor

  7. If desired, click the “play” button to run the monitor

  8. When the monitor runs, the ModelOp engine will make the call to the REST or SQL data system using with the replaced value (. Note here that the last request of the image shows the actual Today and Quarter End dates passed and get gets the desired dynamic response.

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