Create and run a deployed batch job in ModelOp Center using a deployment ID, an input file, and an output file name.
Input can be provided by the following methods:
• Provide the path to a local file that will be embedded in the database for input. There is a size limit of 10MB for embedding files. If unsure of the file size, use the --force flag; this will not fail the command, and will push the file to the S3 bucket configured with ModelOp Center.
• Provide the path to a local file and use the --upload-input flag to push the file to the S3 bucket configured with ModelOp Center.
• Provide a URL to an existing file in the S3 bucket in the format [http/s3/S3n/S3a]://Domain/PATH/file.txt. The credentials should be configured with the ModelOp Center. When using a URL of a file in S3, use the --input-region flag to provide the S3 region. If the URL is not using one of the schemes - "http", "s3", "s3n", "s3a", use the --external-input flag to enforce the URL to be an external asset URL.
• Provide a SQL asset as input. Use the connection URL as the input URL, e.g., mysql://username:password@host:3306/db_name. The query can be provided using the --input-query flag, and additional parameters can be provided using the --input-param flag. The --input-param flag can be used multiple times and the query parameters will be stored in the order the flags are provided. If the connection URL is not using one of the schemes - "mysql", "sqlserver", "snowflakedsiidriver", "db2", use the --sql-input flag to enforce the URL to be used as a SQL connection URL.
• Provide a HDFS asset using a URL, e.g., hdfs:///hadoop/demo/test_model/sample_data.csv. If the URL is not using the "hdfs" scheme, use the --hdfs-input flag to enforce the URL to be a HDFS asset URL.
• Use existing asset from the storedModel by providing asset name, e.g ref:asset_tes.json
Output can be provided in a similar way to the input, but uses output-related flags:
• Provide a name for the output file that will be embedded in the database.
• Provide a name of the file, and use the --upload-output flag to push the file to the S3 bucket configured with ModelOp Center.
• Provide a URL to an existing file in the S3 bucket in a similar format as the input file. When using a URL of a file in S3, use the --output-region flag to provide the S3 region. If the URL is not using one of the schemes - "http", "s3", "s3n", "s3a", use the --external-output flag to enforce the URL to be external asset URL.
• Provide a SQL asset as output. Use connection URL as the output URL, e.g., mysql://username:password@host:3306/db_name. The query can be provided using the --output-query flag, and additional parameters can be provided using the --output-param flag. The --output-param flag can be used multiple times and the query parameters will be stored in the order the flags are provided. If the connection URL is not using one of the schemes - "mysql", "sqlserver", "snowflakedsiidriver", "db2", use the --sql-output flag to enforce the URL to be used as a SQL connection URL.
• Provide a HDFS asset using URL, e.g., hdfs:///hadoop/demo/test_model/sample_data.csv. If the URL is not using the "hdfs" scheme, use the --hdfs-output flag to enforce the URL to be a HDFS asset URL.
• Use existing asset from the storedModel by providing asset name, e.g ref:output.json
Once the job is created, an engine is assigned to the job based on the MLC used for engine-to-job assignments. To specify the target engine, use the --engine flag and provide the engine name where the job should run.
By default, schema checking is disabled for all jobs. To enable input and/or output schema checking, use the --input-schema-check, --output-schema-check or --schema-check flags.
The deployment provided as a command argument should be a batch deployment and not a persistent deployment (endpoint deployment). To make sure that the batch model is in the DEPLOYED state, use --enforce-deployed flag.
By default, the command creates a job of type MODEL_BATCH_JOB using the deployed model provided. To create a job of type MODEL_BATCH_TRAINING_JOB and MODEL_BATCH_TEST_JOB, use --training-job and --test-job flag respectively.
moc job create deployedbatch <deployedModel ID> <input_file> <output_file> [flags]
# Input: local file (embed) - Output: Empty embedded file
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 input.json output.json
# Input: local file (embed) - Output: Create empty S3 file
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 input.json output.json --upload-output
# Input: Upload local file to S3 - Output: Create empty S3 file
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 input.json --upload-input output.json --upload-output
# Input: URL to file in S3 bucket configured with ModelOp Center - Output: Create empty S3 file
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 --input-region us-east-2 output.json --upload-output
# Input: SQL asset - Output: SQL asset
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 mysql://username:password@host:3306/db_name --input-query 'SELECT symbol,price FROM xyz_table' mysql://username:password@host:3306/db_name --output-query 'INSERT INTO test_output (value) VALUES (?)' --output-param total
# Input: URL to file in S3 bucket configured with ModelOp Center - Output: SQL asset
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 --input-region us-east-2 mysql://username:password@host:3306/db_name --output-query 'INSERT INTO test_output (value) VALUES (?)' --output-param total
# Input: HDFS asset - Output: HDFS asset
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 hdfs:///hadoop/demo/test_model/sample_data.csv hdfs:///hadoop/demo/test_model/sample_output.csv
# Input: Referenced asset from storedModel - Output: Referenced asset from storedModel
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 ref:input.sql ref:output.sql
# Input - Upload local file to S3 and Output - Create empty S3 file, create deployed batch test job
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 input.json --upload-input output.json --upload-output --test-job
# Input - SQL asset and Output - Create empty S3 file, create deployed batch training job
moc job create deployedbatch 4e4a19c7-2acb-4337-83c6-d0cc82db5a96 mysql://username:password@host:3306/db_name --input-query 'SELECT symbol,price FROM xyz_table' output.json --upload-output --training-job
--enforce-deployed Enforce the state to be DEPLOYED on the model provided
--engine string Specify target engine name where the job should run
--external-input Force the URL provided for input to be an external S3 file URL
--external-output Force the URL provided for output to be an external S3 file URL
-f, --force In case file is too large to be stored as a local asset, store it as an external asset
--hdfs-input Force the URL provided for input to be a HDFS URL
--hdfs-output Force the URL provided for output to be a HDFS URL
-h, --help help for deployedbatch
--input-param stringArray Provide parameters for the input SQL query
--input-query string Provide a query string for the input SQL asset
--input-region string Provide the region for the input S3 URL
--input-schema-check Enable schema checking on input
--output-param stringArray Provide parameters for the output SQL query
--output-query string Provide a query string for the output SQL asset
--output-region string Provide the region for the output S3 URL
--output-schema-check Enable schema checking on output
--schema-check Enable schema checking on both input and output
--sql-input Force the URL provided for input to be a SQL connection string
--sql-output Force the URL provided for output to be a SQL connection string
--test-job Create MODEL_BATCH_TEST_JOB with the model provided
--training-job Create MODEL_BATCH_TRAINING_JOB with the model provided
--upload-input Upload the input file provided to the S3 bucket configured with ModelOp Center
--upload-output Create an output file with the provided name in the S3 bucket configured with ModelOp Center |